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Norbert Bufka

Author  ยท  Historian

Wanton ignorance is evil and dangerous

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in a sermon, : "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

With the ease in communicating through the social media, far too often messages are sent without regard to the facts or the truth. Each of us must be on guard when we receive forwarded emails that do not have a source citation for the facts presented.  Far too often they are opinions and not facts, but too often readers, including me, accept them as factual and truthful because we want to believe them.

I never forward messages before I have verified their authenticity and I delete all the forwarding address fields in order to protect a person’s idenity. .  I urge you to do the same.

Politics are a particularly dangerous minefield of opinions. I have always said that Democrats are interested in people and Republicans are interested in business. We need both the bisness leaders and the people who are employed by businesses and do all the work. For many decades political parties worked together to arrive at common good solutions.

In recent decades, the differences have become much more polarizing and extreme. On the left is Sen Bernie Sanders who is not reluctant to call himself a socialist. On the other side is Lt. Gov. of Texas, Dan Patrick, who thinks old people will willingly give up their lives for the sake of the economy.  How dare he suggest that the economy is more important than life?

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