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Norbert Bufka

Author  ยท  Historian

Nonpublic schools in Michigan

A nonpublic school is any school financed and supported by an entity other than the government, although they may receive some tax dollars for special programs. 

48% of the nonpublic schools are Catholic with enrolment of 54,221 pupils. Others are Christian schools, 13 percent (14,385); Lutheran, 11 percent (12,647); secular, 11 percent (12,322); unaffiliated religious, 11 percent (12,211); Baptist, 3 percent (3,168); Jewish, 2 percent (2,204) and Seventh Day Adventist, 1 percent (1,606). Since nonpublic schools are not required to report to the state the above are estimates. In 2014 it is estimated that was 165,487 in over 600 schools, but only 113,332 were reported to the state. [a]

The Michigan Department of Education says that nonpublic schools must comply with the state regulations regarding attendance, curriculum, building and health codes, and vaccinations, but not days of attendance or curriculum. 90% are religiously affiliated, about 13% higher than the national average. [b] They are not required to file records with the state of Michigan. State funding is prohibited by the Michigan Constitution, although Nonpublic schools are eligible for federal tax dollars but in order to receive them they must report to the State of Michigan.[c]

We believe that the state and nonpublic schools have a good relationship and we fully support the state requirements for high standards in the nonpublic schools. There are more requirements for nonpublic schools than the Charter Schools, which do receive tax dollars..








[a] Julie Mack, “Private schools enroll 9% of Michigan students and other facts on nonpublic school”, MLive, January 26,2016.

[b] Ibid.

[c]  “Nonpublic and Home School Information 2016-2017”, Michigan Department of Education.


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