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Norbert Bufka

Author  ยท  Historian

Blog posts March 2020

Wanton ignorance is evil and dangerous

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in a sermon, : "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

With the ease in communicating through the social media, far too often messages are sent without regard to the facts or the truth. Each of us must b…

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Thoughts during a pandemic



The pandemic we are fighting is a time for all of us to work together individually and collectively so we can get through the crisis with as little damage as possible. Here are some ideas:

Donate to organizations that are already helping people in need. They will need more resources n…

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Catholic voters: do not be deceived by Trump!

After the 2016 election, I learned that 40% of Catholics cat their vote for Donal Trump. I was sick to my stomach. I could not believe that my fellow Catholics could be so off track. After watching Trump in office for over three years, I thought they would come to their senses, but alas! a poll rel…

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Joe Biden is the best candidate for President

Joe Biden was US Senator for many years and Vice President for eight years. He has experience working with people across the aisle and foreign leaders. He knows how government works.


Brian Burch of CatholicVote sent an email blasting Biden for his lack of policy initiatives, supporting abor…

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Joe Biden is the right man for President

Joe Biden was US Senator for many years and Vice President for eight years. He has experience working with people across the aisle and foreign leaders. He knows how government works.


Brian Burch of CatholicVote sent an email blasting Biden for his lack of policy initiatives, supporting abor…

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